One of the more recent phases in my journey to a class of databases was understanding that the best way to codify a database's design was as the series of revisions that could get you there rather than in terms of specific design elements. It's harder to find fault in this way of thinking because I still use and recommend it today but it was incomplete; sufficient to enable some level of sustainable database development but not true test-driven database development.
Let me refresh your memory on the building technique to which I am referring. You store an ordered list of scripts that are used to build a database. You build some infrastructure that ensures only the right scripts are executed against any given database and in the right order. So, if you have a version 2 database instance and you want to upgrade it to version 5, the infrastructure will execute the steps to upgrade to version 3, then 4, then 5.
Digging the nugget of truth out of this way of doing things is weird because the thing is its own nugget of truth and, at the same time, is not sufficient to support a modern test-driven environment. The reason for this weirdness is that version-based builds are the best way I know to do things but they aren't enough. More was required.
Anyway, the grain of truth in this way of thinking was the recognition that the actual revisions applied to real production databases should govern how we organize database build scripts. That is, while I had not yet discovered the true class of database concept - at least not as I understand it today - I had discovered one of the principles that drives test-driven database development: the historical reality of important database instances must be respected and always trumps our wishes, hopes, and ideals.