Are you tired of the Occupy movement? I am. It looks to me like a bunch of dirty hippies whining about the fact that they bought houses they can't afford and created an economic meltdown. How the hell is that Wall Street's fault?
Occupiers: You jackasses committed fraud and got away with it. Or, at the very least, your mortgage brokers did. Sure. There was a little bit of economic fallout from your decisions and the Wall Street people definitely didn't do anything to arrest the downturn you created. That hardly entitles you guys to bitch about them. It's not their job to look out for you.
Here's what I think we should do. We have a long history of liberating pansies who can't seem to take it upon themselves to fight back when occupied; most notably the French. Why don't we get together as Americans and start liberating Occupied spaces? We can start where it all began: Wall Street.
Liberate Wall Street!