Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do You Have a Jesus Problem? Alcohol is the answer.

Do you frequently get high on Jesus or Moses when you are alone?  Are you afraid to talk to your friends about where you went last Sunday?  Do you hide bibles around the house so your spouse can't find them?

These are all signs of religion abuse.  Religion abuse is a very serious condition that affects nearly two out of every three Americans.  If you don't suffer from religion abuse, look to your left, then to your right.  Both of those people probably do.

The affects of religious abuse last a lifetime.  Long term religion abuse can affect your personality, making your presence less pleasant or even unbearable to others.  People who are high on religion are often extremely suggestible and will do practically anything to "score" a shot at "heaven."  Worse still: people who abuse religion often pass their condition on to their children.

Even though it's completely ridiculous, these facts show that religion is no laughing matter.

But... if you suffer from this condition, I have some good news: there is a way out.  By giving yourself over to Alcohol, you can blind yourself to the evils of the world.  Through Its powers, you will become blissfully unaware of your suffering and will no longer feel the need to justify it by contriving fictitious entities who watch over you and have a "good reason" for putting you through a living hell.

And the wages of delusion is death of joy, but in Alcohol there is joy everlasting.
 Remember: you don't have to live like this.  You can think for yourself and you can find a way to cope with the cold, barren, empty void that is our existence without depending on imaginary figures from ancient fairy tales.  In Alcohol, there is redemption.  Turn yourself over to Alcohol and start living your life.