Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Sentio Ergo Sum

My friend and current boss, Al Shalloway, has been talking with be about cogito ergo sum for a little while, now.

While I think the ergo sum part is the critical insight - the recognition that your knowledge is limited to your own existence - he's been debating the cogito part.

The assertion I think he's making is that you don't think.  I don't know if I agree but I definitely have become convinced that you don't know you think.

You do, however, know that you experience.  At least, I know that I do.  Moreover, I don't know anything else.

So I wonder if the sentio ergo sum is a more appropriate declaration.  It still contains the essential assertion underpinning all reason: that we basically don't know anything.  It's actually a stronger statement of that fact.