Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sleight of Mind #4 Being Edited

I've passed off Sleight of Mind #4: A Tale as Old as Limestone to my editor (pronounced /wīf/).  I've already done about half of Sleight of Mind #5: The Old Mage and the Sea.  That's because, originally, I wrote both as a single installment.  On my first reread, I realized that there are two stories that each need to be fleshed out a lot more than a single installment could support.  So I sliced #5 off into its own file and started fleshing out #4.

I won't be able to get straight to #5.  I have some impending talks for which I must prepare.  If you're interested in those, the public ones can be found on my Amazon author page.  Those are going to take priority for, at least, the next week and probably for the next three weeks, realistically speaking.

If you are unfamiliar but interested, you can start reading the series with part one.  It is definitely not for everyone and I'm not really interested in selling something to the wrong person so I recommend you don't buy everything in the series first - just buy part one and use your reaction to that to drive the decision of whether or not you want part two.

Also, and this is completely an aside: please share my prior post about the cat I found in Redmond, OR.  Do that even if you don't know anyone in Central Oregon.  The further it travels, the better chance it has of finding its way into the hands of this cat's owner.  If I can capture him, I'll take him to a vet and get a reading of his microchip, assuming he has one, but it's better to try two ways of reuniting him with his family than one.