Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year, End of Year Wrap Up

Well, everyone, the year is wrapping up right now.  For many, it's already over and 2013 has already begun.  For others, there are several hours to go.  Any way you slice it, now seems like a good time to do a year in review.  I know you are all super interested in my life.

The landmark events in my life for this year were as follows:

  • finally got off my but and started self-publishing the Sleight of Mind series
  • finished development of my book, Test-Driven Database Development
  • moved into a new house out in the country
  • getting some real traction in implementing test-driven development as well as other process improvements where I work
I'll drill into each of these in a subsequent post.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Copy Editing Round #1 Complete

I think I'm to the last level of not being done with with Test-Driven Database Development: Unlocking Agility.  I finished going through all my first-round copy edits.  Soon, I will be reviewing the second (and final) round copy edits and, then, magic happens.

I don't know how long it takes to go to print after that but I imagine it can't be too long.

In the words of "Garven Dreis:" Almost there.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Final Reminder: You Have Less than One Hour

Until about midnight, tonight, Sleight of Mind #2 and Sleight of Mind #1 are both free.  Thank you everyone who helped with this promotion.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Yet Another Reminder: Sleight of Mind #1-2 Free All Weekend

I'm getting tired of writing these so I probably will do one more at the end of Sunday and that will be it.

Sleight of Mind #2 is free through Sunday.  Sleight of Mind #1 is free tomorrow and Sunday.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

The Annoyance Resumes: Another Promotion Approaches!

Sleight of Mind #2 and its predecessor are both free.  #2 is free tomorrow through Sunday (12/09/2012).  #1 is free Saturday and Sunday (the same).

The response last weekend was pretty good.  This weekend, I'm hoping to top it and to get some reviews.  I don't need good reviews.  I just want some feedback.  After all: that's how products are made.

Go get 'em, read 'em, and review 'em honestly if you haven't already.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Last Chance to Get Sleight of Mind #2 Free

The promotion has gone great this weekend thanks to everyone who helped spread the word.  If you or someone you know hasn't gotten their free copy, you have less than an hour to get it here.

Episode #2 Is Doing Well

I had a great first day but I'm sure there is someone out there who might enjoy it and is at risk of not getting their free copy this weekend.

Here it is.  Smack that person up side the head and make them go get it.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Getting Great Feedback on Sleight of Mind #2

Well.  So far, so good.

I've received a couple comments on the latest episode of the Sleight of Mind series.  It's about what I expected, but I'm eager for more details.  If you have any thoughts, feel free to share them.

I'm not shy and I don't want you to be either.  Please feel free to give me feedback directly, via this blog, or in the form of honest reviews.

Sleight of Mind #2 Is Free Today

Sleight of Mind #2 is free all day today and tomorrow.  This installment opens up with Daniel on the lam and follows his journey through the Appalachian mountain range on a hunt for something of great value to Mot.

Go get it today.  After all, it's free.